Thursday, March 6, 2014

International Conference on One Medicine One Science


The University of Minnesota - College of Veterinary Medicine cordially invites you to join the inaugural International Conference on One Medicine One Science (iCOMOS).

Sunday, April 27, 2014 - Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This year the conference program is focused on the role of science in solving vexing challenges of emerging health threats and safe food production.  It is packed with exciting, informative presentations, panel discussions, and workshops delivered by world renowned bench, translational and applied scientists, major funding sponsors, and key industry partners who are instrumental in driving the SCIENCE behind One Health. 

Hurry, early registration ends Wednesday, March 26 and seats are going fast!

Two weeks in

*disclaimer* This was written a few days ago and now being posted!   Mambo from Arusha! It has been two weeks into our four month long stay...